What's up with Penn State


Amazing things are happening at Epic Penn State! Epic Conference, Vision Night, Big Break and more!

Epic Penn State’s movement is ideally student-run, but staff-directed. Throughout this year, we have seen more non-Christians actively attending our large group meetings and events along with more student involvement in events, like our conferences and outreaching events.  It also has been very encouraging to witness more students stepping up in leadership and responsibilities.

Our movement held our first Vision Night in January, which casted vision to reach the Penn State campus for Christ by students focusing their ministry to an area on the campus or an Asian organization. Our vision is to develop great relationships with these Asian organizations and students on campus so we may have potential opportunities to share Christ with them.

img015This year, we had a record number of 19 students making the decision to go to Big Break, Cru’s spring break evangelism conference in Panama city Beach, FL. In the coming month, we will be hosting Asian Night Market on March 20th, an outreach event involving multiple Asian organizations to display their unique identity and culture.

As a movement, we pray for each student to have a relationship with God and develop a lifetime passion to reach people for Christ. We praise God for all He has done in our movement, and pray that He will continue to work and bless our movement.

If you could please keep Penn State in your prayers, here are some requests:

  • Non-Christians who are actively involved in our movement to have a relationship with Christ
  • Our Missional Team Leaders, the Mackin’s. As John is on medical leave and Sandy is taking care of him
  • Unity as a movement to reach the campus for Christ
  • Students grow spiritually in their walk with Christ & through life together




Tabby Lee, Penn State Intern Field Staff