Volunteer with Epic


As Epic Movement seeks to reach the campus through Asian American college students, we welcome volunteers to join the vision and make an eternal difference. With Epic Movement locations throughout the United States, you can use your gifts, skills, and talents wherever the Lord leads you.

We will accomplish our mission more quickly because of the work of volunteers. You can have a part in exposing every person in the world to the gospel of Jesus Christ, building new believers’ faith, training Christians for ministry, and sending them to win and disciple others, all in the context of Asian American community and culture.

Given the flexible and variable nature of volunteering with Epic Movement, the process to volunteer with us can look different depending on the person, ministry location and other factors. The process below is just a starting point.

  1. Please fill out this interest survey.
  2. If you are connected to a local Epic Movement and interested in field ministry, please contact a local team leader.
  3. If interested in any volunteer work outside of the field, please contact: epicnationalexecutiveteam@cru.org.

Affiliate Staff

Affiliate staff are similar to volunteers with Epic Movement, but they have ongoing ministry roles on an Epic Movement team. As an Affiliate staff, you would have an Epic Movement email address and an account to reimburse ministry expenses from funds you raise. The expectation is that with an ongoing ministry role with Epic Movement (beyond one event/year), you would be supervised by an Epic Movement team leader and accountable to the team and Epic Movement. The process to become an Affiliate staff is the same as above.