Exploring Asian American Faith: A Discipleship Resource

Our experiences give us a unique lens and perspective of God, God’s desires and how God is working. You may not relate to some of the Asian American experience, and that is okay. That is the beauty of the diverse meaning and lived experiences of Asian America. No matter where we are in our journey, whether we are Asian American or not there is much to learn from the Asian American story.

 As we dive deeper into this narrative, we hope to have a grander vision of how God is working through us as individuals and as a community to bring shalom. How much of the Asian American story do we know and where do we fit into the narrative? Where do we begin? We hope this introduction will be a way for us to gain a better understanding of our stories, God, and our place.

Discipleship Resource User Guide

This discipleship resource guides users to explore Epic’s vision statement, “Asian American movements mobilized to take their place in God’s redemptive mission.”

Asian American History

The Asian American story is so much more than what we heard about or learned while growing up.

Un Packing Stories

The Asian American story is part of God’s larger narrative that includes the stories of every person, community, and ethnic group across all of time and every location.

Your Asian American Story

Your story is part of God’s larger narrative, and your story matters to God.

God's Redemptive Mission

In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus says, "For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost."

Relationship with God & Self

God is relational and loving, and He desires more than just salvation but also growing deeply and intimately with Him.

Relationship with Others & Creation

God is an artist, and He desires for us to live in harmony with others and the world around us.

Social Location

As we become aware of our ever-changing social location, we gain greater awareness of our place in engaging with our communities and God’s redemptive mission.


When we create space for people to share stories with us, we participate in God's redemptive mission as we give them an opportunity to experience healing by feeling heard, seen and known.

Our Place

As followers of Jesus, we are all invited to participate in God's redemptive mission in the specific time and place in which we live.