Jessica*, an art and fashion design junior at the University of Texas, started meeting with me last semester because she wanted help reaching her new sorority sisters with the gospel. She has officially “crossed” (become an official sister) into her Asian American sorority. Over lunch, Jessica shared with me the challenging process of rushing a sorority. For the first time, Jessica had experienced gossip that was about her and was very hurt by how the situation was handled. As a Christian, she sought guidance from God and believers that led her to ask her sorority to help her understand why she was the subject of recent gossip. Jessica was very distraught and wanted to leave the sorority, but she remembered the vision the Lord gave her to reach these women who don’t know Christ.
After hearing this, I encouraged Jessica to remember that the Lord is with her and has given her strength to sustain her during challenges and hardships, just like the faithful men and women in the Bible. Jessica already knew that she was growing spiritually and emotionally from this trial so she decided to press on. Jessica and I are currently praying and trusting the Lord to start a Bible study in her sorority. Through Jessica’s invitation, a few women from her sorority have already attended our weekly meeting where they have heard the gospel. They trust Jessica and Jessica continues to trust the Lord.
Please pray for Jessica and her sorority sisters as they continue to learn who Christ is and what true sisterhood can look like.
*not her actual name
Ti Le, Epic Movement Lone Star Team Staff