Letter from Epic Movement National Director
Welcome to our Epic Movement website!
We are so happy that you are visiting with us. Wish we could have tea and scones together in person. As the National Director of Epic Movement and Executive Director of Ethnic Focused Communities, I want to welcome you to explore what Epic Movement is about.
I love the importance of high school and college years, as those were important for my own spiritual journey. At age 17, I placed my faith in Christ through the guidance of the Chinese Bible Church’s Sunday school teacher, Shirley. And it changed the trajectory of my life. Soon after, I left to attend the University of Michigan where God used Cru staff to help me grow in my faith. It was there that God taught me how to surrender my life to Christ–to love Jesus–and how to share His love and Gospel with my classmates, friends, family and community. I am the leader, person and changed-life story that I am today partly due to the ministry of Cru. (Go Blue!)
We in the Epic Movement have the awesome privilege of coming alongside students in their journey with Christ. I am most proud of our staff and students who each day live out Jesus’ example of winning, building and sending students to reach the world for Christ. Every location that I visit, I see our staff and students loving Jesus and making Him known on their campuses, in their families or communities. As you visit with our staff and students, you will see Asian Americans proclaiming and demonstrating the Good News of Jesus, bringing his hope and honor to the world.
We hear stories of Asian American students who are integrating their faith, culture and mission. They are empowered to be great bridge builders in a polarized and racialized country. On campuses where racism exists, due to their faith in Christ, our students stand up for justice as they reach out in love to those who are marginalized on our campuses and in our nation. In embracing their heritage and Christ’s love, our students and staff are also using their US passport privileges with faces that can easily transcend international borders to share the gospel with people around the world. Therefore, we get invitations from places like SEA where they only want short term missionaries from Epic Movement because they have experienced our effectiveness in reaching their campuses due to our cultural ties. (Join us for some of these fun world endeavors on Epic Summer Missions or International Internships overseas with us!)
Will you join us in being involved in future changed-life-stories? Will you join us in seeing Asian American students mobilized to reach the world for Christ? May we join you in your efforts of sharing the Gospel to a world in need? Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Let’s share more tea and scones and visit more by the beach!
Margaret Yu
Epic Movement National Director