Regional Life Options Conferences

Join other juniors and seniors from other schools to learn and trust God together in a similar life-stage! These are primarily hosted by Cru and offer coaching groups, inspiring messages, and time with the Lord to consider His calling for you.


California, Hawaii, Arizona, Nevada

Crossroads Conference in Los Angeles, CA - November

Minnesota, Wisconsin, Midwest

Life Options Conference

Regional 1-Day Workshops

Single-day workshops for juniors and seniors where Epic Movement brings coaches, staff, and other resources to help you process and consider your options for summer, career, and beyond!

Current locations: NYC, Texas

Upcoming locations: San Jose State/Bay Area, San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara/Central California

Ministry Previews

Ministry Preview Weekend

Join us for a short weekend with a local ministry team and see what full-time missions looks like on a college campus in your town or elsewhere!


Overseas Ministry Preview Trip

Come and experience for yourself what full-time missions overseas is like! We have regular trips throughout the year for this opportunity.

Personal Connection

Epic Movement would love to connect with you virtually or in-person (offered in a select few locations) to walk with you through an initial discernment process and in thinking about your next life steps! If interested in this particular option, please fill out this interest survey and someone will be in touch soon.

Outside Resources

Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans

Let Your Life Speak by Parker J. Palmer