International Internships
International internships are opportunities for you to go overseas, where you will live, breathe, and work to see God’s gospel message shared among all peoples. It’s an incredible opportunity to steward ourselves as Asian Americans, grow in your faith and trust in the Lord. And you'll do all this as you learn about cultures outside of the USA and gain skills for a lifetime of following Jesus.

The international internship program lasts about a year (depending on location), typically starting and ending during each summer. We are currently sending international interns to the following locations:
East Asia
Southeast Asia
Commitment: 9 months to 1 year (depending on location and situation), typically beginning and ending in the summer.
Locations*: Epic Movement currently sends teams to the following locations:
- East Asia
- Southeast Asia
- Japan
Cost: ~$2000-$5000/monthly for housing, airfare, living expenses, and ministry expenses. Epic Movement is committed to helping prepare you as best as possible for a year-long mission trip overseas. You will be raising a team of financial and prayer partners to get you there. Epic Movement will provide a coach and training for this.
Basic Requirements:
- Trusting and fruitful relationship with the Lord
- Willingness and desire to learn, grow and receive feedback
- Alignment and accountability to Epic Movement and Cru as a representative of the organization
- Attendance at a regional Intern Orientation Weekend and if accepted, International Intern Briefing prior to leaving in August
Deadline to Apply: March 1
Application Process
- We always suggest first talking with your staff and filling out an Interest Survey. They can help inform you more about the process and will walk with you the entire way.
- Check out how to apply here.
*Indicating interest in a specific location is helpful and a part of the placement process, However, Epic Movement does not guarantee that your first choice will be your final placement due to the transitional nature of these teams and ministry overseas.