Oregon State University Updates

OSU Epic“…the Gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world…” (Colossians 1:6b)

The Gospel has touched the Oregon State University (OSU) campus and is bearing fruit in incredible ways!

Fall Retreat

When the school year started, we continued building our spiritual family that was open to believers and non-believers, encouraging students to be vulnerable in genuine community. Over 60 students attended our first-ever Epic Fall Retreat at the Oregon coast! We saw God work as students shared their struggles, supported each other as brothers and sisters, and had fun in a Jesus-centered community.


Fresh out of the Epic Northwest Conference, in January we launched our “Each One, Reach One” (E1R1) campaign. Students committed to pray about one person God wanted them to reach out to, take an opportunity to share the Gospel with that person, and invite him or her to eat, hang out, or go to Epic, and then engage in spiritual conversations. Although it is difficult to reach our entire campus in one year, we believe that we can reach our campus for Jesus one student at a time by sharing life and showing people who Jesus is.

Bubble Tea Night

A couple of weeks after we started praying, sharing, and inviting, we invited our friends to Bubble Tea Night, an annual outreach event. Two of our students shared their testimonies, and over 100 students heard the Gospel! What an incredible way to see God touching lives!

Win, Build, Send

This school year there are students have begun a relationship with Jesus and are currently being discipled. There are other discipleship relationships that are building students in their faith. Over 50 students are in one of nine POD (Places of Discipleship) small groups that meet weekly. 50 to 60 students at our weekly campus meetings hear about Jesus or are encouraged in their faith to reach out to their friends. More students than ever are hearing about the Gospel through spiritual conversations, Epic events, and the Holy Spirit encouraging students to live missionally.


Please Pray for Us!

  • Our Praise Night is coming up on April 11! Pray for students who don’t know God to experience Him through music as we worship
  • Pray that Epic students would courageously have spiritual conversations and share the Gospel
  • Pray for fruitful discipleship
  • Pray that OSU students would be open to God and begin relationships with Him
  • Pray that God would move students to step into leadership roles


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Elena Abe, 4th Year, OSU Epic Leadership