Cru – Multiethnic and Contextualized Ministry
Cru desires to reach every person with the gospel of Jesus Christ, in ways that...
Being A "Send" Movement
This post is a part of a series by Epic’s Field Ministry & Global Missions...
Discovering Culture, Identity, and Mission
This post is a part of a series by Epic’s Field Ministry team, describing what...
Why Epic Exists (Why We Contextualize)
What is contextualized ministry and why do it? Why does an ethnic ministry like Epic...
Discerning God's Will For Your Life
Below is the audio and transcript from a talk that Twin Cities Metro director Adam...
Signs of Identity Exercise
The following exercise is designed to help you discover more about yourself and your own...
Rethinking Culture and Mission
This article, “Rethinking Culture and Mission,” is the result of many conversations with many people....
My Ethnical Dilemma
Epic staff Jason Poon is Chinese American, and serves alongside his Caucasian wife, TJ Poon...
Asking For Help (In Your Culture)
In the video clip below, Epic Leadership Development Team member Margaret Yu talks about the...
Six Postures Article: Sixth Posture = "Equal and Empowered Partnership" and Moving Forward
This fall, we have collaborated with Destino (Latino ministry), Nations (Native American ministry) and Impact...