To explore our place(s) in God’s redemptive mission
To explore how we can participate in our place(s)
“From one man he made every nation of mankind that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.”—Acts 17:26-27
As followers of Jesus, we are all invited to participate in God’s redemptive mission in the specific time and place in which we live. In this collective participation, there are specific places for us individually and for the communities we are a part of. By looking at the intersection of our unique social location and our stories, we can begin to uncover a starting point to explore our specific place in God’s redemptive mission.
How does this give you an appreciation of your own uniqueness in the midst of your varying communities?
Where do you see intersections? Are there specific places where you can imagine your story or voice being used to invite others to God?
Who do you see with you in some of the intersections you made note of? What might God want to do in and through those relationships?
Are you tempted to see some of those intersections as more spiritual than others? Where do you experience God’s presence? How might others experience God’s presence through you?
As we continue to grow and mature in life, our place in God’s redemptive mission will also change. As we become more aware of our stories, our perspective in life changes and so does our understanding of who we are and what we bring. Our social location also changes as we journey through life and the needs of those around us changes.
Pause and take some time to pray together.
Thank God for where he has already moved in and through you in the past.
Dig into where God is currently asking you to take part in his mission.
Ask God for where and how he may be inviting you to participate in future.
Even though God’s redemptive mission stays the same and we are continuously invited to participate with God, the ways we participate, our place, is dynamic. It is a journey we are all on in continually reflecting on what God is doing, what God is inviting us to engage with, and how we want to respond to that invitation.
Asian American Theologians
Wong Tian An; Asian American Liberation Theology(Inheritance magazine)
Kathy Khang
Russell Jeung
Asian American Christianity: A Reader
Edited by Viji Nakka-Cammauf and Timothy Tseng